Greenberg Development Services

Hilary Greenberg is the president of Greenberg Development Services; a 25+year economic development consulting firm (Charlotte North Carolina) that works with communities across the country in the area of market research, commercial leasing and downtown revitalization. Ms. Greenberg is nationally recognized for her economic development training programs and is a frequent speaker at bot national and state conferences on the topic of economic development, business recruitment and property redevelopment. Ms. Greenberg began her career as a planning for the City of Grand Rapids, MI and holds a Masters in Regional Planning from University of NC at Chapel Hill.
6150-E Gray Gate Ln.Charlotte, NC 28210
This is a list of companies and consultants who provide services to Main Street communities. Being included on this list does not represent an endorsement by NMSC and NMSC is not making any express or implied representation or warranty about these companies and consultants.