Polished Productions Consulting

Polished Productions Consulting focuses on your organization/business/community from the inside out in order to help you achieve your goals. Having been in Main Street, Chamber, and Economic Development in communities of varying size and demographics has helped me drill down to the real issues that plague cooperation and growth in your communities. Not only do I still do this work on a daily basis in the communities where I live, but I can help your communities rally around your causes, including fundraising and strategic planning. Finally, I focus on upskilling your local talent through a variety of hard-to-hone skills (such as grantwriting) so you can start being more productive and become the means to the end you seek instead of constantly needing to outsource. Polished Productions Consulting believes that everyone deserves to shine and I am here to help you do just that.
103 4th StreetOnslow, IA 52321
This is a list of companies and consultants who provide services to Main Street communities. Being included on this list does not represent an endorsement by NMSC and NMSC is not making any express or implied representation or warranty about these companies and consultants.